sábado, 13 de julio de 2019

I suppose the more concerning issue here is that there is already a variety of advanced techniques to inject data inside photos using steganography such that it would be impossible to forensically detect. If weaponized, it could be used for tracking; with zero proof.

I suppose the more concerning issue here is that there is already a variety of advanced techniques to inject data inside photos using steganography such that it would be impossible to forensically detect.

If weaponized, it could be used for tracking; with zero proof.

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J from Twitter Search / minarquia_ https://twitter.com/oasace/status/1149181544214323200

Autor: (@oasace)
Publicado: July 11, 2019 at 07:00AM

de nuestro WordPress https://ift.tt/2Ljpx7g
TuitsMinarquia, IFTTT, twitter, Twitter Search / minarquia_

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